“Just want you to know that Ralph Townsend; the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts who oversees Mine’, Phelps and Watkins buildings, stopped yesterday and expressed his utmost appreciation on the TERRIFIC job that was done in the Gallery. The art directors just love the quality of work that was done. Great job to all.”

Steve Ronkowski, Winona State University
“The Board of Directors of St. Mary’s Cemetery Association thank you for your generous contribution of the use of the crane and labor to place our columbarium.

As a non-profit, we rely on the support from our community, we appreciate what your have done to help our cemetery.”

Msgr. Thomas Hargesheimer, St. Mary’s Cemetery Association
“Thank you for the beautiful work you did to make the Cathedral such a beautiful environment. We have a wonderful environment to worship in and for sacramental life for our parish family and the Diocese of Winona. God Bless you and your families.”
Fr. Colletti, Rector, Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
“I have continually been impressed by the generous support of people like you who have embraced our mission and helped us create better tomorrows for children and families throughout the region. Wonderful work on the remodeling of our building. Thanks”
John Burgess, President/CEO, Family & Children’s Center